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I’m unsurprised that a large component of the treatment is effectively just “lose weight”. For many years I’ve heard accounts of significant weight loss reversing type 2 diabetes.
Even my allergies are tamed when I am at the right weight and physically very and consistently active. (It might just be coincidence though). Cutting off refined/white sugar almost completely has helped a lot I guess (I do have a sweets cheat day every 3-5 months. It’s not planned but somehow this is how it has worked with visits to friends and relatives).

Is type 2 a permanent disease? Or is like when you lifestyle is bad and your sugar remains high/etc you are suffering from type 2 diabetes, but when your lifestyle and weight and great and sugar is well under control you don’t have type 2 diabetes, but if that changes you can get it again? Or it’s like - once “marked with type 2” no matter the sugar marker results you are a type 2 patient forever?

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Anecdotally, I've observed with my own body that there is a very direct correlation between weight and all of the health metrics. And it does not take as much weight change as you might think in order to see the metrics move.

Another thing is consumption. All of my metrics start moving immediately in the positive direction when I'm on a calorie restricted diet, even before I start seeing results on the scale.

I could be unique but I doubt it.

The problem, of course, is that just like CICO, observing the relationship between weight and health is educational but useless as a strategy. If it were that easy there would be no overweight people in the world.