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Even with a highly sympathetic Supreme Court it is hard to imagine this EO standing.

It goes against the foundation of not only US law, but couple of hundred years of international democratic tradition in which allegiance is not to a person, but to the nation itself.

US civil servants and military alike swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution not the president or their commander. Illegal orders are not only expected, but required to be disobeyed.

This EO eliminates the concept of an illegal order since the law would be whatever the executive interprets it to be.

> it is hard to imagine this EO standing

There are many things that I thought would not survive the scrutiny of good people within the system of checks and balances.

But here were are. It seems that "good people within the system of checks and balances" were the only obstacle to absolute power.

There used to be competing centers of power. But then they stacked the judiciary and used manipulative propaganda to turn the congress and senate into a rubber stamp. The only check on power was having the interest of those institutions not aligned with each other, for them to have power that they were able to exercise independently.
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