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Indeed, I have to wonder how many people actually understand Kubernetes. Not just as a “user” but exactly all what it is doing behind the scenes…

Just an “idle” Kubernetes system is a behemoth to comprehend…

I keep seeing this opinion and I don't understand it. For various reasons, I recently transitioned from a dev role to running a 60+ node, 14+ PB bare metal cluster. 3 years in, and the only thing ever giving me trouble is Ceph.

Kubernetes is etcd, apiserver, and controllers. That's exactly as many components as your average MVC app. The control-loop thing is interesting, and there are a few "kinds" of resources to get used to, but why is it always presented as this insurmountable complexity?

I ran into a VXLAN checksum offload kernel bug once, but otherwise this thing is just solid. Sure it's a lot of YAML but I don't understand the rep.

“etcd, apiserver, and controllers.”

…and containerd and csi plugins and kubelet and cni plugins and kubectl and kube-proxy and ingresses and load balancers…

And system calls and filesystems and sockets and LVM and...

Sure at some point there are too many layers to count but I wouldn't say any of this is "Kubernetes". What people tend to be hung about is the difficulty of Kubernetes compared to `docker run` or `docker compose up`. That is what I am surprised about.

I never had any issue with kubelet, or kube-proxy, or CSI plugins, or CNI plugins. That is after years of running a multi-tenant cluster in a research institution. I think about those about as much as I think about ext4, runc, or GRUB.

But you just said that you had issues with ceph? How is that not a CSI problem?

And CNI problems are extremely normal. Pretty much anyone that didn't just use weavenet and called it a day has had to spend quiet a bit of time to figure it out. If you already know networking by heart it's obviously going to be easier, but few devs do.

Never had a problem with the CSI plugin, I had problems with the Ceph cluster itself. No, I wouldn't call Ceph part of Kubernetes.

You definitely can run Kubernetes without running Ceph or any storage system, and you already rely on a distributed storage system if you use the cloud whether you use Kubernetes or not. So I wouldn't count this as added complexity from Kubernetes.

I'm not sure I can agree with that interpretation. CSI is basically an interface that has to be implemented.

If you discount issues like that, you can safely say that it's impossible to have any issues with CSI, because it's always going to be with one of it's implementation.

That feels a little disingenuous, but maybe that's just me.

So if you run Kubernetes in the cloud, you consider the entire cloud provider's block storage implementation to be part of Kubernetes too?

For example you'd say AWS EBS is part of Kubernetes?

In the context of this discussion, which is about the complexity of the k8s stack: yes.

Youre ultimately gonna have to use a storage of some form unless you're just a stateless service/keep the services with state out of k8s. That's why I'd include it, and the fact that you can use multiple storage backends, each with their own challenges and pitfalls makes k8s indeed quiet complex.

You could argue that multinode PaaS is always going to be complex, and frankly- I'd agree with that. But that was kinda the original point. At least as far as I interpreted it: k8s is not simple and you most likely didn't need it either. But if you do need a distributed PaaS, then it's probably a good idea to use it. Doesn't change the fact that it's a complex system.

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Because CSI is just a way to connect a volume to a pod.

Ceph is its own cluster of kettles filled with fishes

Very fair, although with managed services which are increasingly available, you don't typically need to think about CSI or CNI.
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Well, and the fact that in addition to Kubernetes itself, there are a gazillion adjacent products and options in the cloud-native space. Many/most of which a relatively simple setup may not need. But there's a lot of complexity.

But then there's always always a lot of complexity and abstraction. Certainly, most software people don't need to know everything about what a CPU is doing at the lowest levels.

These components are very different in complexity and scope. Let's be real: a seasoned developer is mostly familiar with load balancers and ingress controllers, so this will be mostly about naming and context. I agree though once you learn about k8s it becomes less mysterious but that also means the author hasn't pushed it to the limits. Outages in the control plane could be pretty nasty and it is easy to have them by creating an illusion everything is kind of free in k8s.
A really simple setup for many smaller organisations wouldn't have a load balancer at all.
No load balancer means... entering one node only? Doing DNS RR over all the nodes? If you don't have a load balancer in front, why are you even using Kubernetes? Deploy a single VM and call it a day!

I mean, in my homelab I do have Kubernetes and no LB in front, but it's a homelab for fun and learn K8s internals. But in a professional environment...

No code at all even - just use excel
typical how to program an owl:

step one: draw a circle

step two: import the rest of the owl

... and kubernetes networking, service mesh, secrets management
You arent' forced to use service mesh and complex secrets management schemes. If you add them to the cluster is because you value what they offer you. It's the same thing as kubernetes itself - I'm not sure what people are complaining about, if you don't need what kubernetes offers, just don't use it.

Go back to good ol' corsync/pacemaker clusters with XML and custom scripts to migrate IPs and set up firewall rules (and if you have someone writing them for you, why don't you have people managing your k8s clusters?).

Or buy something from a cloud provider that "just works" and eventually go down in flames with their indian call centers doing their best but with limited access to engineering to understand why service X is misbehaving for you and trashing your customer's data. It's trade-offs all the way.

> …and containerd and csi plugins and kubelet and cni plugins (...)

Do you understand you're referring to optional components and add-ons?

> and kubectl

You mean the command line interface that you optionally use if you choose to do so?

> and kube-proxy and ingresses and load balancers…

Do you understand you're referring to whole classes of applications you run on top of Kubernetes?

I get it that you're trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Just understand that you can't argue that something is complex by giving as your best examples a bunch of things that aren't really tied to it.

It's like trying to claim Windows is hard, and then your best example is showing a screenshot of AutoCAD.

How’s kubelet and cni are “optional components”? What do you mean by that?
CNI is optional, you can have workloads bind ports on the host rather than use an overlay network (though CNI plugins and kube-proxy are extremely simple and reliable in my experience, they use VXLAN and iptables which are built into the kernel and that you already use in any organization who might run a cluster, or the basic building blocks of your cloud provider).

CSI is optional, you can just not use persistent storage (use the S3 API or whatever) or declare persistentvolumes that are bound to a single or group of machines (shared NFS mount or whatever).

I don't know how GP thinks you could run without the other bits though. You do need kubelet and a container runtime.

kubelet isn't, but CNI technically is (or can be abstracted to minimum, I think old network support might have been removed from kubelet nowadays)
Because the root comment is mostly but not quite right: there are indeed a large subset of developers that aren't interested in thinking about infrastructure, but there are many subcategories of those people, and many of them aren't fly.io customers. A large number of people who are in that category aren't happy to let someone else handle their infra. They're not interested in infra in the sense that they don't believe it should be more complicated than "start process on Linux box and set up firewall and log rotation".

For some applications these people are absolutely right, but they've persuaded themselves that that means it's the best way to handle all use cases, which makes them see Kubernetes as way more complex than is necessary, rather than as a roll-your-own ECS for those who would otherwise truly need a cloud provider.

Feels like swe engineers are talking past each other a lot about these topics.

I assume everyone wants to be in control of their environment. But with so many ways to compose your infra that means a lot of different things for different people.

I use k8s, wouldn't call it simple, but there are ways to minimize the complexity of your setup. Mostly, what devs see as complexity is k8s packages a lot of system fundamentals, like networking, storage, name resolution, distributed architectures, etc, and if you mainly spent your career in a single lane, k8s becomes impossible to grasp. Not saying those devs are wrong, not everyone needs to be a networking pro.

K8s is meant to be operated by some class of engineers, and used by another. Just like you have DBAs, sysadmins, etc, maybe your devops should have more system experience besides terraform.

"Kubernetes is etcd, apiserver, and controllers....Sure it's a lot of YAML but I don't understand the rep."

Sir, I upvoted you for your wonderful sense of humour.

I consider a '60+ node' kubernetes cluster is very small. Kubernetes at that scale is genuinely excellent! At 6000, 60000, and 600000 nodes it becomes very different and goes from 'Hey, this is pretty great' to 'What have I done?' The maintenance costs of running more than a hundred clusters is incredibly nontrivial especially as a lot of folks end up taking something open-source and thinking they can definitely do a lot better (you can.... there's a lot of "but"s there though).
OK but the alternative if you think Kubernetes is too much magic when you want to operate hundreds of clusters with tens of thousands of nodes is?

Some bash and Ansible and EC2? That is usually what Kubernetes haters suggest one does to simplify.

At a certain scale, let's say 100k+ nodes, you magically run into 'it depends.' It can be kubernetes! It can be bash, ansible, and ec2! It can be a custom-built vm scheduler built on libvirt! It can be a monster fleet of Windows hyper-v hosts! Heck, you could even use Mesos, Docker Swarm, Hashicorp Nomad, et al.

The main pain point I personally see is that everyone goes 'just use Kubernetes' and this is an answer, however it is not the answer. It steamrolling all conversations leads to a lot of the frustration around it in my view.

Hashicorp Nomad, Docker Swarm, Apache Mesos, AWS ECS?

I love that the Kubernetes lovers tend to forget that Kubernetes is just one tool, and they believe that the only possible alternative to this coolness is that sweaty sysadmins writing bash scripts in a dark room.

I’m absolutely not a Kubernetes lover. Bash and Andible etc. is just a very common suggestion from haters.

I thought Mesos was kinda dead nowadays, good to hear it’s still kicking. Last time I used it it the networking was a bit annoying, not able to provide virtual network interfaces but only ports.

It seems like if you are going to operate these things, picking a solution with a huge community and in active development feels like the smart thing to do.

Nomad is very nice to use from a developer perspective, and it’s nice to hear infrastructure people preferring it. From outside the reason people pick Kubernetes seems to be the level of control of infra and security teams want over things like networking and disk.

Can you describe who a Kubernetes hater is? Or show me an example. It's easy to stigmatise someone as a Kubernetes lover or hater. Then use it to invalidate their arguments.

I would argue against Kubernetes in particular situations, and even recommend Ansible in some cases, where it is a better fit in the given circumstances. Do you consider me as a Kubernetes hater?

Point is, Kubernetes is a great tool. In particular situations. Ansible is a great tool. In particular situations. Even bash is a great tool. In particular situations. But Kubernetes even could be the worst tool if you choose unwisely. And Kubernetes is not the ultimate infrastructure tool. There are alternatives, and there will be new ones.

HashiCorp Nomad?
The wheels fall off kubernetes at around 10k nodes. One of the main limitations is etcd from my experience, google recently fixed this problem by making spanner offer an etcd compatible API: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/containers-kubernetes...

Etcd is truly a horrible data store, even the creator thinks so.

At that point you probably need a cluster of k8s clusters, no?

For anyone unfamiliar with this the "official limits" are here, and as of 1.32 it's 5000 nodes, max 300k containers, etc.


Yes this is what I'm referring too. :)

Maintaining a lot of clusters is super different than maintaining one cluster.

Also please don't actually try to get near those limits, your etcd cluster will be very sad unless you're _very_ careful (think few deployments, few services, few namespaces, no using etcd events, etc).

Hey fellow k8s+ceph on bare metaler! We only have a 13 machine rack and 350tb of raw storage. No major issues with ceph after 16.x and all nvme storage though.
Genuinely curious about what sort of business stores and processes 14 PB on a 60 node cluster.
Research institution.

The department saw more need for storage than Kubernetes compute so that's what we're growing. Nowadays you can get storage machines with 1 PB in them.

Yeah, that's an interesting question, because it sounds like a ton of data vs not enough compute, but, aside from this all being in a SAN or large storage array:

The larger Supermicro or Quanta storage servers can easily handle 36 HDD's each, or even more.

So with just 16 of those with 36x24TB disks, that meets the ~14PB capacity mark, leaving 44 remaining nodes for other compute task, load balancing, NVME clusters, etc.

We have boxes with up to 45 drives yes.
Yeah, I'm sure there are tricky details as in anything but the core idea doesn't sound that complicated to me. I've been looking into it a bit after seeing this fun video a while ago where a DOS BBS is ran on kubernetes.


I think "core" kubernetes is actually pretty easy to understand. You have the kubelet, which just cares about getting pods running, which it does by using pretty standard container tech. You bootstrap a cluster by reading the specs for the cluster control plane pods from disk, after which the kubelet will start polling the API it just started for more of the same. The control plane then takes care of scheduling more pods to the kubelets that have joined the cluster. Pods can run controllers that watch the API for other kinds of resources, but one way or another, most of those get eventually turned into Pod specs that get assigned to a kubelet to run.

Cluster networking can sometimes get pretty mind-bending, but honestly that's true of just containers on their own.

I think just that ability to schedule pods on its own requires about that level of complexity; you're not going to get a much simpler system if you try to implement things yourself. Most of the complexity in k8s comes from components layered on top of that core, but then again, once you start adding features, any custom solution will also grow more complex.

If there's one legitimate complaint when it comes to k8s complexity, it's the ad-hoc way annotations get used to control behaviour in a way that isn't discoverable or type-checked like API objects are, and you just have to be aware that they could exist and affect how things behave. A huge benefit of k8s for me is its built-in discoverability, and annotations hurt that quite a bit.

Well, the point is you don't have to understand it all at the same time. Kubernetes really just codifies concepts that people were doing before. And it sits on the same foundations (Linux, IP, DNS etc). People writing apps didn't understand the whole thing before, just as they don't now. But at some level these boxes are plugged into each other. A bad system would be one where people writing business software have to care about what box is plugged into what. That's absolutely not the case with Kubernetes.
> Indeed, I have to wonder how many people actually understand Kubernetes. Not just as a “user” but exactly all what it is doing behind the scenes…

I would ask a different question. How many people actually need to understand implementation details of Kubernetes?

Look at any company. They pay engineers to maintain a web app/backend/mobile app. They want features to be rolled out, and they want their services to be up. At which point does anyone say "we need an expert who actually understands Kubernetes"?

When they get paged three nights in a row and can’t figure out why.
> I have to wonder how many people actually understand Kubernetes.

I have to wonder how many people actually understand when to use K8s or docker. Docker is not a magic bullet, and can actually be a foot gun when it's not the right solution.

I am at this compute thing since 1986, with focus mostly around distributed systems since 2000, and I keep my Kubernetes cheat sheet always close.