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Hashicorp Nomad, Docker Swarm, Apache Mesos, AWS ECS?

I love that the Kubernetes lovers tend to forget that Kubernetes is just one tool, and they believe that the only possible alternative to this coolness is that sweaty sysadmins writing bash scripts in a dark room.

I’m absolutely not a Kubernetes lover. Bash and Andible etc. is just a very common suggestion from haters.

I thought Mesos was kinda dead nowadays, good to hear it’s still kicking. Last time I used it it the networking was a bit annoying, not able to provide virtual network interfaces but only ports.

It seems like if you are going to operate these things, picking a solution with a huge community and in active development feels like the smart thing to do.

Nomad is very nice to use from a developer perspective, and it’s nice to hear infrastructure people preferring it. From outside the reason people pick Kubernetes seems to be the level of control of infra and security teams want over things like networking and disk.

Can you describe who a Kubernetes hater is? Or show me an example. It's easy to stigmatise someone as a Kubernetes lover or hater. Then use it to invalidate their arguments.

I would argue against Kubernetes in particular situations, and even recommend Ansible in some cases, where it is a better fit in the given circumstances. Do you consider me as a Kubernetes hater?

Point is, Kubernetes is a great tool. In particular situations. Ansible is a great tool. In particular situations. Even bash is a great tool. In particular situations. But Kubernetes even could be the worst tool if you choose unwisely. And Kubernetes is not the ultimate infrastructure tool. There are alternatives, and there will be new ones.