we are vastly overspending and will either need to monetize the debt (disastrous) or massively cut spending and raise taxes in the future. already now, we need to massively raise taxes on the wealthy but even that will be insufficient with our current spend.
free college is just a giveaway to the wealthier third of our society and irresponsible with our current fiscal situation.
> free college is just a giveaway to the wealthier third of our society and irresponsible with our current fiscal situation.
How is free college a giveaway to the wealthier third of society? For starters, I can assure you the wealthy care a lot about the name of the institution issuing the diploma, and they can afford it. They'll happily front extra cash so their kids can network with people of similar economic status.
Half of the student loan crisis is because there's an over abundance of kids with degrees that can't get basic jobs. How does more degrees solve that?
I didn't say "the wealthy", I said the wealthier third of our society. Only ~39% of people age 18-24 are in college, those are generally the wealthier people in our society, and free college (I'm assuming from your reply it's free public college) would mostly be a giveaway to those people.
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Good point. Then next best is limit the lending. If a uni wants to charge 50k a year then they need to find rich students who can pay cash. If they want the smartest students they need to find ways to be affordable. Only lend money for affordable universities basically. That will force efficiency, reduce admin etc.
So end subsidized student loans? Yes that would be a good policy. Not sure how you can ban people from taking out loans writ large though.
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Or we could just spend less on weapons.