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Ironically silk road had much safer drugs than whatever pills you would get on the corner.
The Silk Road was "the corner." Do you think it would be any safer if it was running today? That makes 0 sense.
Sellers had ratings and reputations. It also allowed the long string of shady middlemen to be cut out.

Drug producers want pure products. It's almost entirely middlemen who cut drugs with whatever random chemicals they have on hand.

> It also allowed the long string of shady middlemen to be cut out

Based on what? This sounds completely made up. Anyone could sell on Silk Road, and faking reviews would be trivial on an anonymous platform. And if someone died from drugs they bought, they're not exactly leaving a review, are they?

Sellers have reputations in real life, but it can actually be difficult to link a death to a specific dealer without a thorough investigation. Even more so on an anonymous platform. Would Silk Road have cared if the police linked deaths to a specific seller? Fuck no.

For the record, I am not anti Silk Road, I'm actually for legalizing drugs. I just find the notion that drugs online were inherently cleaner to be naive Libertarian propaganda.