It's time to make computing personal again> "We need comprehensive privacy legislation in the United States that enshrines individual privacy as a fundamental right. We need Right to Repair legislation that puts control of our devices back into our hands—and also DRM reform, especially repealing Section 1201 of the DMCA so we can control the goods we own and historians can preserve our cultural heritage without the need for piracy."
Laws alone won't be enough - there's a need for new design approaches for production devices and systems. For each of the above:
-Expanding high-speed internet to all regions of the country is a positive, but privacy is limited because metadata is visible, and if we assume all nations are tapping into the trunk of the internet and collecting everything that transits their systems, this means strong encryption should be the concept around which all communication systems are built, so that at least the content of the messages can't be read.
-Right-to-Repair should extend to device design goals in which maintenance and replacement of components is intended and user alterations and upgrades aren't actively blocked. Batteries should be relatively easy to replace, etc.
-For cultural history preservation, allow archivists to bypass DRM and store offline backups of materials. Also make it easy to become an archivist and build communities of archivists.