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Teens aren't doing drugs, smoking, drinking, or having sex. And the suicide rate has never been higher.
I'm not contradicting you, but it appears that the suicide rate hasn't changed since 2018. See this interactive chart and switch the Injury Type to Suicide:


That chart shows the rate has hovered around 4000 per month for years. That's 4000 too many, but at least it's not increasing.

That is the raw number, not the rate.

Since the spread of social media, suicide rates are up for children, significantly: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/databriefs/db471.pdf

> The suicide rate for people aged 15–19 did not change significantly from 2001 through 2009, then increased 57% from 2009 through 2017

> For people aged 10–14, the suicide rate tripled from 2007 through 2018

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How are you disagreeing? The comment you responded to said it hasn’t changed since 2018.
But we are also seeing shrinking amounts of children. So a steady suicide amount in raw terms is an increasing rate.
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