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For many this ended up with

"Have i felt better over the past 4 years" .

Imagine coming out of covid, without a recession, only to be hit with inflation (both parties to blame) and sky high interest rates coupled with all other stuff like illegal border crossing to lack of majority support from Women to Harris to Harris being a silent VP for 4 full years and thrown to lime light.

> and thrown to lime light.

She threw herself under the bus. She went thought a great deal of effort to end up there. It's the deftest act of self immolation I've seen in politics so far.

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> Have i felt better over the past 4 years

I agree with you that for a lot of people this is what it came down to, which is so sad. Short-term thinking will lead us to destruction.

Instead of asking whether things have improved over the last four years, think about what you want the country and the world to look like in ten, fifty, or a hundred years. And what other countries looked like ten, fifty, a hundred, a thousand years ago. Think about the rises and falls of other nations. Think about the fact that it's getting measurably hotter every year, and that one party doesn't even acknowledge that fact.

Everything is more expensive, and yes, that sucks. But we've handed over the kingdom's keys to an authoritarian idiot who will dismantle the systems that took hundreds of years to establish. Rome wasn't built in a day, but it sure burned fast.

> Harris being a silent VP for 4 full years and thrown to lime light.

Funny that people constantly talk about how they're not voting for Trump, they're voting for the policies of the party etc. but then they can't apply the same rationale to the other side.

>think about what you want the country and the world to look like in ten, fifty, or a hundred years.

This is the candidate's job. She didn't center a coherent vision of the improved future only she could get the country to. Pick one thing that Trump wouldn't or couldn't run on, that wasn't just "getting back thing we lost (under our watch)." Green New Deal. Medicare For All. Defund the police. Build houses for everyone. Monorail. Anything for people to hang a hope on. But any big idea would piss off donor-investors who would be hurt by any change to the status quo. So she offered nothing.

> She didn't center a coherent vision of the improved future only she could get the country to.

So the default is to vote for a person who will run the world into the ground? I don't understand why the onus on the sane person to prove why they're going to make things better. I guess people think that any change is good change? Yet people voted Hitler into power.

My take is that America was founded during a time of very high "mental activity" and engagement. In the 1700s people read for fun, the printing press just having been invented the prior century; and listened to candidates debate for hours, at a level of complexity that is beyond people today. A democracy takes that kind of mental energy and engagement to sustain. The citizens of the US seem to be too complacent, too uncaring, to uneducated to preserve their freedom, and so they won't keep it. Sad to see.

> the printing press just having been invented the prior century

Just FYI, the printing press was invented in the mid-1400s.

>So the default is to vote for a person who will run the world into the ground?

The default is not to vote.

Same thing.
It is not, and we are going to continue facing frustration and defeat until people like you learn to accept and understand this.

Putting it simply: no candidate is owed a vote. Declining to cast a ballot doesn't favor any candidate. It is true neutral.

Can't make a horse drink, even if the owners weren't an issue.

Let's be real, people wanted to be patted on the back and told it'll be okay. The want words, not solutions. Trump is happy to do that.

> Funny that people constantly talk about how they're not voting for Trump, they're voting for the policies of the party etc. but then they can't apply the same rationale to the other side.

Different people, different sides. I guess the Republican Party did something very well here compared to Democrats, though I don’t know what or how.

A very similar thing happened here in New Zealand where we tracked right with fairly dire and predictable consequences, from a left-wing government that was shouldering the blame for a whole lot of macroeconomic issues they had little control over.

It doesn't really matter if they did the right thing or not - enough people were looking to punish them regardless.

But that focuses on the person of the candidate. When you think that's important, there are a few remarks to be made about Trump. So why do you think this matters? The 15M missing voters?