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> Nobody is calling anyone stupid just because of the lack of education.

> However the lack of education makes people gullible and easy to manipulate. From bleach as a Covid remedy...

You may not realize you said it, but you said it.

But are you arguing that when people believe things that are demonstrably false, like using bleach as a Covid remedy, not because there is any evidence behind them but only because they were uttered by someone they trust wholeheartedly, and this person does not have any hint of medical training, that nobody should say they are stupid, but only quietly believe it in their minds?

If not that, then what were you trying to say?

> But are you arguing that when people believe things that are demonstrably false, like using bleach as a Covid remedy,

These are morons you read about in your news bubble. The average American is not like them.

So what is the takeaway here? When referring to trump supporters, follow the line of reasoning:

- Trump floated bleach as a covid remedy

- Bleach as a covid remedy is obviously stupid (we should both be agreeing on this one)

- Trump supporters support such statements from trump

- But pointing that out is "calling them stupid" and thus we shouldn't do it?

I'm genuinely curious about this because it makes up so many discussions with trump supporters in a nut shell. I don't want to condescend to them, but I also shouldn't be pointing out things that genuinely are stupid about trump, because doing so would offend them too? What should I do, just pretend all the dumb things Trump does (and that his supporters support him for) don't exist? Just so I can find common ground? (I mean, strictly speaking this is exactly what I do in polite company with trump supporters. I just pretend all the really dumb shit doesn't exist and just talk to them about policy and stuff, and in the end I end up finding that we agree on 90% of stuff and we go on our way. And they continue to support trump for reasons I don't understand.)

A good start would be looking at 3) more closely

> Trump supporters support such statements from trump

Did you ever meet a Trump supporter who used bleach? Did you ever meet a Trump supporter who thinks bleach for covid is a good idea?

If you're being honest with yourself, can you even imagine a middle-aged man drinking bleach to get rid of covid?

almost everyone I know voted for Trump, I know a lot of people, none of them ever drank bleach (as I'm writing this, I remembered I know someone who drank bleach as a little kid and had to go to the hospital, my point stands though)

Realize that in most of those conversations, those actions serve to derail. That's intentional, it shuts down any rational discourse.
> Trump floated bleach as a covid remedy

This premise isn't even true. Trump did NOT float this idea.

This is something Democrats believe though. Which says a lot more about Democrats than it does about Trump supporters.

As someone replied to you: No Trump supporters actually believe in bleach as a remedy, but tons of Democrats do. What does that tell you about their respective intelligence or education?