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If the seller is able to unilaterally hike rents beyond the level which people are willing to pay but they pay it anyway because the alternative is total life failure, then it's obviously not a functioning market.
There's a reason Adam Smith's feelings about landlords are scarcely distinguishable from those of Marx.
loading story #41453591
Im not sure i understand how AI matters here.

If rents are paid no matter what, you dont need AI to tell you to set it high.

But we know rents arent limitless because ability to pay is not limitless.

loading story #41453252
loading story #41453297
I think it perfectly fine market. But we slowly going to social agreement that place to live is same basic need as water and food and education. The issue is that everyone wants fancy place and not a communal space.
loading story #41453223
That's not how it works. There are tons of people who can pick rent vs buy. If rents go up, they'll switch to buy, opening up vacancies.

There are also people who can move to other locations.

If rents are up, you need more houses, it's really not that complicated.

That’s the demand side of the equation. Simple to fix, in an operational economy, right?

The supply side has been imploded by government decree, leading inexorably to the current debacle. I personally know several builders closing down their businesses. Not for lack of demand, of course, but because construction has been made impossible by vacant-eyed bureaucrats.

Dear central planners and jr. totalitarians:

This self-imposed disaster won’t cease until you decide it’s time for it to be over. Or, keep voting as you have - your choice. You do you.

Qui bono?

It’s great for banks and financial institutions and their investors to keep housing prices going up.


That only works if there is more supply (and if rent demand can access financing to buy, interest rates more are higher than when many landlords financed)
They’re clearly willing to pay and they put a premium on living in a congested ice box over actual food or what normal people would consider quality of life.

I see nothing wrong with this market at all. The reality is that there’s plenty of people willing to live in these apartments, often splitting the rent with roommates. The more people that do that, the more the rent goes up because now it’s acceptable to have two or even three incomes paying what used to be the rent for a one bed room.

The only way for the little guy to win this game is to not play. Screw those overpopulated metros and go live somewhere else.

loading story #41453363
loading story #41454475
loading story #41453526