A Real Life Off-by-One Error
https://leejo.github.io/2024/09/01/off_by_one/I expected the article to eventually answer this puzzle:
> The competition started and got through a number of rounds. There were some comments about how the climber on the left always won.
Near the end:
> The kicker is that the out of place hold hasn’t been used in a long time. The climbers have optimised their route such that it is skipped. The same happens to the fourth hold from the bottom. So either being in the wrong place is immaterial to the climbers’ technique as long as they don’t get in the way.
So it seems like the error discovered by the article author should not have conferred any advantage to the climber on the left.
Anyone who can shine light on this matter?
Literally it was an off-by-one error. Literally, literal meaning.
Also the author rules out psychology, but I wouldn't, especially since there were multiple confirmed errors in the route preparation, which I expect could reduce one's trust in the fairness of the competition. In the moment, I might start to wonder, "If one hold was out of place, why not more? Is anyone even checking this?" even if untrue / unlikely.
Also, by the way, where is the photo on your about page: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/60f40aa1942bba...
I feel like it's Crater Lake, Oregon, but considering where you live it's probably somewhere in Switzerland. Looks lovely.
There's been some discussion of having new speed routes every few years. I think this would make the event a thousand times more interesting. That said, I'm still not sure I'd be interested.
They could even still incorporate the one standardized wall config as a speed round once in a while or integrate it into the competition in some other way.
Plenty of other sport are pretty much the same each time, particularly track and field.
This reminds me a lot of how Brood War meta changes as new 'bugs' are discovered, since the fandom loves the game without it ever being touched so when edge cases are discovered they become part of the game rather than something to be fixed.