It's an incredibly effective argument to shut down people pushing for the new shiny thing just because they want to try it.
Some people are gullible enough to read some vague promises on the homepage of a new programming language or library or database and they'll start pushing to rewrite major components using the new shiny thing.
Case in point: i've worked at two very successful companies (one of them reached unicorn-level valuation) that were fundamentally built using PHP. Yeah, that thing that people claim has been dead for the last 15 years. It's alive, kicking and screaming. And it works beautifully.
> If you want to make something that starts instantly you can't use electron or java.
You picked the two technologies that are the worst examples for this.
Electron: electron has essentially breathed new life into GUI development, that essentially nobody was doing anymore.
Java: modern java is crazy fast nowadays , and on decent computer your code gets to the entrypoint (main) in less than a second. Whatever slows it down is codebase problem, it's not the jvm.