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I don't see any problem in companies making huge profit. We live in a free market there is always an opening for new competitor to offer something at low price point that can be repaired. Nobody is stopping anybody to start such a company.

The reason nobody is able to compete because it takes lot of capital to bring new technology in market. If you cannot hire the best people you will not get the best technology. And no engineer wants to work at a company at pays less.

More profit buffers company from random market events.

We live in a capitalist society. Tesla/Apple are just a by product of the system.

Also, whatever Elon says is should be taken with a grain of salt. He is a salesmen. Hyping stuff up so that people buy.

> I don't see any problem in companies making huge profit.

I didn't say there was. But there is a problem in lying to people, claiming that your goal is to "save the US" or "save the Earth" or "colonize Mars" when it's really profit maximization.

> Also, whatever Elon says is should be taken with a grain of salt. He is a salesmen. Hyping stuff up so that people buy.

Exactly my point.