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Sure, the ideal app uses no resources. But it really doesn’t matter how much allocated memory an app retains when in an unused state (if you’re running it on a modern multitasking OS). If there’s any memory pressure then those pages will get swapped out or compressed, and you won’t really notice because you’re not using the app.
It seems like you're saying that if the user acts in certain patterns, the OS will just take care of it. Isn't the point of computers and technology to make it so that users are less restricted and more empowered? If many people do actually notice performance issues particularly around usage of certain apps, then your recommended patterns are too narrow for practicality. You are talking about scenarios where there is no real pressure, the happy path, but that's not realistic.
I’m just saying that it would not make much difference if Electron reduced its idle memory usage. If you use an app infrequently, then it will get paged out and the memory it retains in its idle state will be available for other processes. If you use the app frequently then you care about active memory usage more than idle memory usage. Either way, there is not much to be gained by reducing idle memory usage. Any attempt to reduce it might just increase the wake up time of the app, which might then have to rebuild various data structures that could otherwise have been efficiently compressed or cached to disk by the OS.
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