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The biggest difference in my (admittedly limited) experience, is that you need to start a "podman machine" before you can start running containers. This is architecturally different from Docker's use of a daemon, in ways I'm not qualified to explain in more detail.

It's an extra step, but not a painful one -- the default podman machine configuration seems to work pretty well out of the box for most things.

Honestly, for my use-case (running Subabase stack locally), it was seamless enough to switch that I'm a little surprised a bash script like this is necessary. On my Mac, I think it was simply `brew install podman` followed by `podman machine start` and then I got back to work as if I were still using docker.

By far the most tedious part of the switch was fully uninstalling Docker, and all its various startup programs & background processes.

Podman only requires `podman machine` if you're using a non-Linux system; this sets up a Linux VM in the background that all the actual containers run on. Docker does the same thing, though I think it sets it up for you automatically.