How can I leverage that experience into earning the huge amounts of money that AI companies seem to be paying? Most job listings I've looked at require a PhD in specifically AI/math stuff and 15 years of experience (I have a masters in CS, and no where close to 15 years of experience).
I'd think things like optimizing for occupancy/memory throughput, ensuring coalesced memory accesses, tuning block sizes, using fast math alternatives, writing parallel algorithms, working with profiling tools like nsight, and things like that are fairly transferable?
Most companies aren't doing a lot of heavy GPU optimization. That's why deepseek was able to come out of nowhere. Most (not all) AI research basically takes the given hardware (and most of the software) stack as a given and is about architecture, loss functions, data mix, activation functions blah blah blah.
Speculation - a good amount of work will go towards optimizations in future (and at the big shops like openAI, a good amount already is).