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According to the news, they think the cuts will all come from DEI money


They listed 17 things they want to spend MORE money on.

Here's the list they want to stuff more money into.

1. Southwest Border Activities

2. Combating Transnational Criminal Organizations in the Western Hemisphere

3. Audit

4. Nuclear Modernization (including NC3)

5. Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCAs)

6. Virginia-class Submarines

7. Executable Surface Ships

8. Homeland Missile Defense

9. One-Way Attack/Autonomous Systems

10. Counter-small UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) Initiatives

11. Priority Critical Cybersecurity

12. Munitions

13. Core Readiness, including full DRT (training) funding

14. Munitions and Energetics Organic Industrial Bases

15. Executable INDOPACOM (India Pacific Command) MILCON (military construction)

16. Combatant Command support agency funding for INDOPACOM, NORTHCOM, (Northern Command), SPACECOM, (Space Command) STRATCOM, (Strategic Command) CYBERCOM, (Cyber Command) and TRANSCOM (Transportation Command)

17. Medical Private-Sector Care

DEI is a dog whistle to rally their base. They don't care abut DEI.
loading story #43125015
loading story #43122642
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