> The President, EOs and the exective branch are not immune from court decisions.
Sure they are, if they want to be. Federal courts don't have their own enforcement arm. Even if they find specific officials in contempt of court, and order them arrested, Trump can simply order the US Marshals service to just... not arrest them.
Under this EO he could even choose to “interpret the law” such that it was illegal for the Marshal’s service to arrest executive branch officials without explicit Presidential permission (and this flows naturally from the same version of unitary executive theory as this EOs rule on legal interpration itself relies on), and it would not only be a violation of this order for them to carry out the arrest, but it would be a violation of the order for anyone in the executive branch to disagree that that was the law.
> Trump can simply order the US Marshals service to just... not arrest them.
Yes. Or even more perniciously, just note the arrests have been put on the long “to do list”, to be studied fully, and carried out with special care, all of which takes time…
Because of course the arrest order is being taken seriously and the courts decisions respected.