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IaaS or PaaS?

Who owns and depreciates the logs, backups, GPUs, and the database(s)?

K8s docs > Scheduling GPUs: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/manage-gpus/scheduling-gpus... :

> Once you have installed the plugin, your cluster exposes a custom schedulable resource such as amd.com/gpu or nvidia.com/gpu.

> You can consume these GPUs from your containers by requesting the custom GPU resource, the same way you request cpu or memory

awesome-local-ai: Platforms / full solutions https://github.com/janhq/awesome-local-ai?platforms--full-so...

But what about TPUs (Tensor Processing Units) and QPUs (Quantum Processing Units)?

Quantum backends: https://github.com/tequilahub/tequila#quantum-backends

Kubernetes Device Plugin examples: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/comput...

Kubernetes Generic Device Plugin: https://github.com/squat/generic-device-plugin#kubernetes-ge...

K8s GPU Operator: https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/gpu-operator...

Re: sunlight server and moonlight for 120 FPS 4K HDR access to GPU output over the Internet: https://github.com/kasmtech/KasmVNC/issues/305#issuecomment-... :

> Still hoping for SR-IOV in retail GPUs.

> Not sure about vCPU functionality in GPUs

Process isolation on vCPUs with or without SR-IOV is probably not as advanced as secure enclave approaches.

Intel SGX is a secure enclave capability, which is cancelled on everything but Xeon. FWIU there is no SGX for timeshared GPUs.

What executable loader reverifies the loaded executable in RAM after imit time ?

What LLM loader reverifies the in-RAM model? Can Merkle hashes reduce that cost; of nn state verification?

Can it be proven that a [chat AI] model hosted by someone else is what is claimed; that it's truly a response from "model abc v2025.02"?

PaaS or IaaS