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that was only one of the 6 murder for hires

Chris Tarbell, the guy who arrested ross, talks about it on this podcast https://risky.biz/RB770/ 37:08

Chris Tarbell states that there are logs about 6 imaginary "murder of hire"'s .. none of which actually took place, two were faked by the FBI(?) and four were scams run by third parties outside the USA.

In the absence of any other context it's assumed these were acts of "intent to murder" but that's about it .. logs that look like a duck and probably were a duck.

But no actual murders that anyone could find, no bodies, etc.

If I go to a bar and end up hiring a hitman to kill my wife, and the hitman happens to be a FBI asset, I'm still going to jail.
and if you do this for six ex wives or six people that annoy you and not a single one dies?

At what point does this strike you as odd?