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Can security researchers send an invoice for a reasonable amount conmesurate with the value of the service provided and then sue for quantum meruit if it is not paid?
Can those people who wash your windshield at red lights actually make you pay?

If your neighbor leaves their door unlocked while they’re at work, can you go change the locks (for their safety!) and bill them for your time?

No, of course not. Why would you be able to bill for a service that you weren’t asked to provide?

loading story #42795850
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I spent a minute reading this. My time is worth $300/hr and I bill in tenths of an hour.

Where do I send the invoice?

loading story #42800014
Yes, they can. Anyone can sue anyone else for any reason.

It will be a colossal waste of everyone's time and money, though, because they will never prevail.

most door locks can be easily picked.

can i go from house to house, pick locks and then demand payment?

(spoiler: no)

loading story #42813017
The only people that I know do this are "Beg Bounty" "Security Researchers" that are, essentially, attempting to extort people.

Even if it would be legally possible (I don't think you can force your 'services' on an unwilling entity and then force them to pay), it would be absolutely awful optics.

loading story #42795400
loading story #42800093
That sounds like a fine, not an invoice. If you can compel them to pay, sure. ;)
loading story #42812987