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> I do not understand why he pardoned this guy when he’s supposedly anti-drug and anti-cartel.

why do you believe he's anti-drug or anti-cartel?

Well, he just did an executive order to label cartels as foreign terrorists, and has spoken at length about drugs in many of his speeches. Not sure why you think such a statement is controversial.
He made sure the Sacklers could keep their fortunes and continue to sell opioids.
Because I don't think he has a honestly held belief about anything. I think he's happy to do whatever is most expedient for his interests.

He wants to be known as a guy who trades favors, so here, he ignored all the previous fear mongering about [scary thing], and is repaying the favor to the "libertarian party" who wanted this, and voted for him.

Almost everything he says is just for show, fits his pattern of behavior better than, "he believes [thing he said]" does.

I just read another article about how the person who says we need to follow "law and order" and "respect police" just pardoned everybody convicted of violence against police... again, trading favors instead of consistently following something he said.

I'm no Trump fan and won't go to bat for him, but being anti-drug and anti-cartel is literally one of his schticks.
I replied with more details in a sister thread but calling it a schtick is more accurate that I think you meant. It's exclusively a shtick; he doesn't actually believe it, or care about it.