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This is so off topic. Or maybe not.

I once walked home after an evening of some friends and beer.

As I came up to my house it was dark but I clearly saw a little person walking through my back garden. About 3 foot tall, at the most, it seemed. And they were holding the hand of a smaller person half their height. Walking together, no hurry at all.

I just froze and watched them walking away, and turn a corner.

The feelings of disbelief, but wanting to believe were crazy.

I came out of my shock. Ran the length of my home and managed to see mother and child raccoons now walking on all fours.

They must have walked 20 feet on their back legs together, holding hands.

For a minute of my life I was actually Alice in Wonderland and there were tiny people who walked gardens at night.

You met some tanuki, 100%.