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No, silk road did not sell weapons. There was legal content like pornography and other media on there, but Ulbricht was an idealist and excluded material with "intent to harm".
Notably, as Ullbricht predicted, the Silk Road was immediately replaced by sites which did not have such ideals, and openly sold weapons and illegal pornography.
They were there already and shutting down the silk road changed nothing in that perspective.
So all the people who got convicted for selling firearms on Silk Road, how'd that happen then?
don't conflate Silk Road == all Darknet Markets

plus in North America you don't really need a darknet market to get a gun illegally. US FedGov ain't gonna get to involved in illegal gun sales in Europe.

It didn't happen.

Ctrl-F for "Products" on this page[1] and stop making shit up.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silk_Road_(marketplace)

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