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The comment you replied to referenced "multiple teenagers" - the very people that liquor stores cannot sell alcohol to since they're not recognized as mature enough to be freely allowed to drink.

SR allowed children to buy addictive poison without any regulation whatsoever, and Ross profited off of those transactions.

These are not comparable institutions.

You're right. Ross should have been granted a drug selling license, analogous to a liquor license, and it should have been revoked if he failed to check ID before allowing people to make purchases on his marketplace.
Teenagers routinely drink alcohol and sometimes die.
And businesses that knowingly sell alcohol to minors are charged with a crime.
Sure, but the crime isn’t murder. And they aren’t getting life for it.
If their business sold alcohol to as many teenagers as the Silk Road has sold drugs, then yes, they would get life.
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Do they get multiple life sentences?