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I hear this joked about sometimes or used as a metaphor, but in the literal sense of the phrase, are we in a cold war right now? These types of dollars feel "defense-y", if that makes sense. Especially with the big focus on energy, whatever that ends up meaning. Defense as a motivation can get a lot done very fast so it will be interesting to watch, though it raises the hair on my arms

for instance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_United_States_telecommuni...

Right, but they've been doing that for a while, to everyone. The US is much quieter about it, right? But you can twist this move and see how the gov would not want to display that level of investment within itself as it could be interpreted as a sign of aggression. but it makes sense to me that they'd have no issue working through corporations to achieve the same ends but now able to deny direct involvement
I don't think this administration is worried too much about showing aggression. If anything they are embracing it. Today was the first full day, and they have already threatened the sovereignty of at least four nations.
I guess I just don't think that's true when it comes to China? The VP attended the inauguration yesterday. But I could be naive, we'll see
I think that was a preemptive gesture by China to try to cool tensions to avoid escalation. Further escalations are not in their interest.
I can only assume the US is hacking China at least as much as they hack us.
It's called a bubble. The level of spending now defines how fucked we are in 2-3 years.
You know those booths at events where money is blown around and the person inside needs to grab as much as they can before the timer runs out? This is that machine for technologists until the bubble ends. The fallout in 2-3 years is the problem of whomever invested or is holding bags when (if?) the bubble pops.

Make hay while the sun shines.

yeah. If the numbers are real, this might be the end of SoftBank.
Hardly. Who better to invest a trillion dollars with than the guy who blew the last hundred billion dollars?
We certainly are, if you ask me. Especially when you realize that we haven’t had official comms with Russia since the war in Ukraine broke out.
The US government and its media partners sure seem to think so.