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The people in Pennsylvania who elected him, didn't want this.
It isn't clear from your original statement that those voters aren't from Pennsylvania. I interpret your statement as discounting the weight of their vote on actions they care about. There are many perspectives, and the values of those who did vote in that direction are being addressed in some way.
A lot of republicans want a "shining city upon the hill". Drug free, sin free, tough penalties on crime.

A lot of republicans want a working economy. High paying jobs, low taxes.

A lot of republicans believe in a free market economy. Freedom to innovate, freedom to hire and fire.

And then we have this.

> sin free

wow, not even god could eliminate sin but apparently the republicans can?

how do you envision that being enforced? death penalty for any sin? You've never made a sin yourself? If so how could you live in sin-free city? sounds sick and dystopian.

anyway, the point i wanted to make was that when you vote for somebody, you are the one giving that person the authority to take actions on your behalf. if you voted for T, you shouldn't complain about anything he does, because he can only do so because of your vote. learn to be wary of politicians, they treat you right during the dates (election) but after the wedding the true person comes out.

We're talking about Libertarians and not Republicans, atleast that is what the parent comment was referring to. I don't know what Republicans what or believe vs what they say. The action to pardon directly addresses the Libertarian ideals.
I guess if Trump really wanted to run Libertarian, he could have run under the Libertarian ticket.
He attended the convention. Is is for all intents and purposes representing them.
The people in Pennsylvania knew they were voting for an out-of-control, unpredictable, felonious septuagenarian with fascist tendencies. Complaining now that he is all of those things before he is someone who may or may not do other good things, is just silly. Either they knew, or they've been had.