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I had an LLM create a playlist for me.

I’m tired of the bad playlists I get from algorithms, so I made a specific playlist with an Llama2 based on several songs I like. I started with 50, removed any I didn’t like, and added more to fill in the spaces. The small models were pretty good at this. Now I have a decent fixed playlist. It does get “tired” after a few weeks and I need to add more to it. I’ve never been able to do this myself with more than a dozen songs.

How about having an LLM create a praylist for you?

Then you could implement Salvation as a Service, where you privately confess your sins to a local LLM, and it continuously prays for your eternal soul, recommends penances, and even recites Hail Marys for you.

Interesting! I wrote a prompt for something similar[1], but I use Claude Sonnet for it. I wonder how a small model would handle it. Time to test, I guess.

[1]: https://git.sr.ht/~jamesponddotco/llm-prompts/tree/trunk/dat...

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Interesting! I've sadly found more capable models to really fail on music recommendations for me.
Huh, interesting. For me that often dreamed up artist and songs.