I downvoted your comment because you're wrong. The constitution defines treason pretty clearly, you're not going to get a treason conviction without the US being in a legally and officially declared war with China. There has never been a treason conviction for any act committed after WW2, the last time the US was officially in a declared war. The Rosenberg's selling nuke secrets, the Walkers who decrypted Navy communications for the Soviets, those guys who went over to the Taliban or ISIS... all highly illegal but NONE of it was treason.
Furthermore your comment is poorly thought out. Impeaching Trump would be very bad for the popularity of Republican senators, anybody should be aware of that regardless of how you personally feel about the people involved.
Colloquially "treason" fits many of trump's actions, and the comment did hedge and mention "high crimes and misdemeanors" which trump has certainly been guilty of before (but I'm not convinced he is here)
"Colloquially treason" isn't a crime anybody can be charged with, its just hyperbolic political rhetoric.