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After almost a decade of TypeScript my recommendation is to not use TypeScript enums.

Enums is going to make your TypeScript code not work in a future where TypeScript code can be run with Node.js or in browser when typings are added to JavaScript[1]

Enums results in runtime code and in most cases you really want type enums. Use `type State = "Active" | "Inactive"` and so on instead. And if you really want an closed-ended object use `const State = { Active: 1, Inactive: 0 } as const`

All of the examples in the article can be achieved without enums. See https://www.typescriptlang.org/play/?#code/PTAEFEA8EMFsAcA2B...

[1] https://github.com/tc39/proposal-type-annotations

> Enums is going to make your TypeScript code not work in a future where TypeScript code can be run with Node.js

Apparently they're planning on adding a tsconfig option to disallow these Node-incompatible features as well [1].

Using this limited subset of TS also allows your code to compile with Bloomberg's ts-blank-space, which literally just replaces type declarations with whitespace [2].

[1] https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/59601

[2] https://bloomberg.github.io/ts-blank-space/

loading story #42770586
> in a future where TypeScript code can be run with Node.js

FYI, this is now. Node 23.6 will just run typescript files than can have their types stripped https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v23.6.0#unflagging---expe....

There is a seperate --experimental-transform-types flag which'll also transform for enums, but no idea if they ever intend to make this not experimental or unflagged.

I think the biggest hurdle in getting something like that to work is how typescript handles the import syntax
Most of the "drama" in recent Typescript, such as requiring file extensions, with the import syntax has been aligning with the Browser/Node requirements. If you set the output format to a recent enough ESM and the target platform to a recent enough ES standard or Node version it will be a little more annoying about file extensions, but the benefit is that it import syntax will just work in the browser or in Node.

The only other twist to import syntax is marking type-only imports with the type keyword so that those imports can be completely ignored by simple type removers like Node's. You can turn that check on today in Typescript's compile options with the verbatimModuleSyntax [1] flag, or various eslint rules.

[1] https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig/#verbatimModuleSynta...

you just tell typescript to stay away from import syntax, and use node-native resolution and it all just works.

its 2025 and node is finally good :)

It would be nice if node did tail call optimization, but that seems unlikely at this point (v8 added and then removed it). I've been using bun as a backend for my toy language because of this.
That's a stage 1 proposal that has barely gained any traction since its release. In fact it hasn't been updated for quite a while (with "real" content changes). I wouldn't make decisions for my current code based on something that probably will never happen in the future.


It’s moving slowly, but I think it’s almost inevitable. Type annotations are generally gaining or maintaining their already widespread popularity, and bringing them into the language syntax would just be an acknowledgment of that fact. I think the only thing that might hold that back is the proposal’s commitment to non-TypeScript use cases, which while magnanimous is a huge opportunity for the kinds of bike shedding that might tank a proposal like it.
TC-39 is kind of lame at the moment. I can’t imagine they will stay this lame forever. There are some reasonable voices inside TC-39, so even thought currently the lame voices at the committee are more powerful, that could change at any moment.
I understand, but what if I want to use the enums the way they are used in C, as a label for a number, probably as a way to encode some type or another. Sum types of literal numbers are not very practical here because the labels should be part of the API.
What in your view is the downside to doing this?

    export const MyEnumMapping = {
      active: 0,
      inactive: 1
    } as const

    export type MyEnum = typeof MyEnumMapping[keyof typeof MyEnumMapping];
So you have the names exposed, but the underlying type is the number.
This is way harder to parse and understand than the enum alternative.

Personally I am definitely not skilled enough at typescript to come up with this on my own before seeing this thread so this was not even an option until now.

loading story #42770167
loading story #42768646
I would do this instead:

  type MyEnum = {
    active: 0;
    inactive: 1;

  const MyEnum: MyEnum = {
    active: 0, 
    inactive: 1,

  const showAge = MyEnum.active;
  const showPets = MyEnum.inactive;

It's slightly more duplication, but a lot more readable (imo) to those unfamiliar to utility types. TypeScript also enforces keeping them in sync.
loading story #42770162
Is this what you're referring to when you're talking about more elegant alternatives? Come on. You're not going to convince anyone with this.
loading story #42770384
loading story #42772272
In that case you can just use object literals `as const`.
Maybe argue for enum being added to ecmascript instead?
But why? The feature offers almost no benefit in TS at this point over other existing features, has no function in JS other than TS compatibility, and is increasingly flaky in TS itself. Adding more complexity to JS rather than simplifying TS by deprecating this old, janky foot gun and educating devs on better alternatives seems like moving in the wrong direction.
loading story #42775023
You're correct. Nodejs can already run typescript code directly but it only does type stripping so it won't work with enums or namespaces which need additional code generated at build time.
Often, I find myself in need to find all references of "Active" from your example, which doesn't work with union values. This looks like a LSP limitation. Of course, you can move assign values into consts and union these instead. But that means you are half way there to custom run-time enums, and all the way after you wrap the consts with an object in order to enumerate over values at run-time.
> Often, I find myself in need to find all references of "Active" from your example, which doesn't work with union values.

I'm able to do that just fine in VS Code / Cursor.

I set up a union like this:

    export type TestUnion = 'foo' | 'bar' | 'baz';
Then use it in another file like this:

    const bar: TestUnion = 'bar';
    const barString: string = 'bar';
If I select 'bar' from the type and choose "Go to references", it shows me the `const bar` line, but not the `const barString` line, which is what I would expect.
Use `const enum Foo`, they leave no traces in the transpiled JS and provide good IDE experience.
Doesn't typescript already work with Deno and Bun? How do they do it?
by compiling it, which opens a huge can of worms. Deno relies on tsconfig.json configurations for instance
Deno bundles a full LSP that will do compilation using its (modified) tsconfig.json-like configurations, but Deno's type remover at runtime is fairly dumb/simple and I believe a simple Rust implementation. Part of what you can't configure in Deno's tsconfig.json-like configuration files are things that keep the type remover simple (such as turning enums back on).
Agreed. Its one of my major annoyances with Relay, is that it generates enums.
I can assure you that I can find a way to shoot myself in the foot in any language.
With any language, you can (which isn't my point). The point is which one is the easiest and its with anything in proximity of the whole JavaScript ecosystem including TypeScript.

It really says a lot about how immature it is especially for backend and just by even hearing the complaints about TypeScript 'enums' tells me all I need to know.

So what other foot-guns have the JS / TS ecosystem have hidden?

Dude, why are you here? Your comment is just a (very opionated) rant and not providing any value for anybody in the discussion.
> Enums is going to make your TypeScript code not work in a future where TypeScript code can be run with Node.js or in browser when typings are added to JavaScript[1]

How is that the conclusion you reach? The proposal you link says types will be treated like comments by the runtime, so it's not about adding types that will be used in the runtime (which begs the question, why even add it? But I digress), but about adding types that other tooling can use, and the runtime can ignore.

So assuming the runtime will ignore the types, why would using enums specifically break this, compared to any other TypeScript-specific syntax?

I banned enums in TS codebases I contributed to _over 6 years ago_ when Babel 7 w/ TS transpilation support came out, and namespaces along with old TS modules even earlier than that when moving over to JS modules.

If you ask me, both features have been de facto deprecated for ages now.

The future has been here for a while.

The idea from the proposal is that types are used by other tools to type-check and runtimes would ignore them. It's not final yet but it's very likely that in future you can `node -e 'function foo(arg: string) {}; foo(42)'` but if your code has `enum` in it, Node.js or browser will throw an error
But it's not specifically about enums, but anything from TS that generates code. You would need to stop using enums, parameter properties, namespaces (called out by the proposal) and probably more.

Seems weird to me to decide you're OK with the build step and all the other complexity TS adds, but using enums is too much, because maybe in the future JS runtimes might be able to strip away types for you without a build-step.

But we all have different constraints and use cases, I suppose it does make sense for what you're building.

loading story #42767947
loading story #42767283
loading story #42767348
loading story #42770769
I get why people would want to push this forward in general, but except in a case down the road, many years from now, is there a real case right now for running your typescript code without compiling it?

Maybe library compatibility?

My first reaction is that this just further fractures the ecosystem, where some codebases/libraries will have TS that is required to be compiled and some will not, adding a third kind of TS/JS code that's out there.

> except in a case down the road, many years from now

We’re not talking about the distant future. Node shipped its first version supporting type stripping six months ago.

loading story #42767958
loading story #42770331

> Since Node.js is only removing inline types, any TypeScript features that involve replacing TypeScript syntax with new JavaScript syntax will error, unless the flag --experimental-transform-types is passed.

> The most prominent features that require transformation are:

> Enum > namespaces > legacy module > parameter properties

Yes, so an experimental flag will be required for use in production, which is a clear reason to not use them.