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It had to have been a PR move.

The Tik Tok in-app notes for "shutting down" and "we're back" both referenced Trump by name. I doubt they would do that without his explicit consent.

Trump beamed his name and heroics directly into the eyeballs of 50m people before he even took office. That wouldn't have happened without the brief blip going dark.

Odds are good he said he'd pardon them (which is a whole different story) but ensured they'd go dark for a few hours, either by withholding his guarantee or by directly coordinating it with them.

This is Trump. It's always about him. If we haven't learned that we haven't learned anything.

Ha ha are you serious? Trump is a fragile-egoed narcissist.

He's not even in power and already everyone's sucking up to him.

like your conspiracy theory, lots of entertainments in it.