In general people are just scared of change and on top of that are playing telephone on the details of the change, assuming the worst intentions from Bambu like they're trying to be the next HP.
I have seen a lot of misinformation on this topic, and I think that in that sense it's a good idea to read the actual announcement details to get a better read on Bambu's intentions:
A voice in Bambu's defense on this issue would say:
1. The new firmware isn't out, it's still in beta, and the new connect software is also in beta. This stuff isn't done and nobody has been forced to use it or even had it presented as an OTA update yet. The problems highlighted in this wiki page are very possibly problems that Bambu is aware of and intends to fix before release.
2. Bambu in their blog article stated that they are working on integration code so that third party slicers like Orca Slicer can more directly interface with Bambu Connect (see the FAQ section)
3. There are multiple statements on this blog page where Bambu acknowledges the workflow disruption and emphasizes the things they intend to do and do not intend to do, such as "It’s important to note that this update is not intended to restrict third-party software use. In fact, we’ve actively collaborated with third-party print farm management software providers in the past and continue to support such partnerships. To further improve the user experience, we are introducing a new software solution that will address these limitations and enhance overall print farm management capabilities."
4. People who don't run huge print farms don't seem to be impacted by this. Remember that Bambu claims to be a consumer tech company, right there in the "About Us" section. They are trying to make printers that are easy to use and require minimal tinkering. For a normal person, sending a slice file from Orca Slicer to a separate app (adding literally one step) is not a big deal, you're doing that once per print in a world where typical prints take hours to complete. And with that in mind, Bambu is still saying they intend to provide an integration solution to Orca Slicer in the future to streamline that process.
Whether not the software design is a good architecture is an entirely different issue, and as a beta product I'm not sure we can judge that quite yet. Perhaps they should have hardened their network API more rather than introducing a new app? Perhaps they shouldn't have announced this so publicly before they had a solution for third-party integrations ready?
blocking printing from sdcard in Lan mode basically deny any claims that this change was poorly communicated improvement
Their idea of "working with" the people impacted by this change is just give them a couple of days notice that they are about to be fucked over.
Also the whole "it's just a beta" is such a stupid point I don't even want to respond to it. Truly idiotic.
They are positioning themselves to build a proper walled garden.
That entire blog post could be sumed up as "We know we are doing a shit thing but We. Don't. Care. So it would be great if y'all could just shut up about it until it's more ready."