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Cracking down on monopolies and rentierism would be a good start. Followed by tying pension rises to worker's salaries. None of that is actually going to happen because of who votes combined with a government that's scared of its own shadow.
Well everytime somebody wants to build high density housing or really anything to alleviate the housing crisis we get the usual NIMBY screaming similar to OP about evil corporations coming to destroy the character of their local neighborhood.
OP is a YIMBY for the record.

Returning by right development to the UK is very possibly the single largest policy measure that might enable a way forward, not because it's so intimately tied to the financialization of the economy, but because it's such an enormous capital concentration that its limitations overshadow a lot of other issues.

It may be hard to see it from where we're standing, but the current housing situation is one extreme of a catastrophic ongoing crisis.

If we're talking about the UK, then London is already as dense as it can reasonably be. It went all-in on public transit almost 200 years ago.

And of course, it made it all worse. Now you HAVE to work in London if you want a high salary.

The only real way to fix the housing is to promote remote work and decentralized companies.

loading story #42769057
loading story #42767272
Affordable high density housing used to comprise about half of all housing built in the UK. Then almost all constuction of it was halted.

The private sector never built any of it. NIMBYs didnt stop this construction. Ideologues whinging about the % of GDP spent by the public sector did.

NIMBYs are just a side effect of the world neoliberals created.

Combined with the fact that those solutions just listed are short term and a surefire way to ensure nobody gets a pension.

You also can’t act against monopolies when China happily won’t act against their own state owned monopolies, which are in an arm’s race trying to surpass us. Falling behind to China is a great way to cause a tech investment collapse.

The government is the biggest rentier and monopolist of all. It's the elephant in the room.