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Show HN: I made an open source directory of where to showoff your projects

Missing these:

• The Linux Software Map: <https://lsm.qqx.org/>

• Freshcode (spiritual successor to Freshmeat) <http://freshcode.club/>

loading story #42729970
I am more interested to find platforms where laymen share their pains about items they use.
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Would love to have itslaunched.com added as well https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42712666
loading story #42727461
Thank you! I will be using it for my project InvitePlus (https://getinviteplus.com)
Cool. I actually posted my project to a few open-source directory sites yesterday. I got an email today that it will go live on the 4th of July unless I pay for a quicker submission... I emailed them and pointed out it was just hurting themselves and they said they have a queue and they only do 3 a day so every launch gets its own time sort of thing. The value proposition is that you can find alternatives not that you can launch your project there, it makes no sense to me other than they've seen launch platforms do it so...

I think there needs to be a good open-source alternatives directory that isn't run by someone who doesn't treat it as a launch platform.

> Niche Communities

> Designer News - A community for designers, where you can share your design-related side projects and get feedback from other designers.

Sadly, Designer News looks like it has shut down: https://www.designernews.co

loading story #42730546
My dream is to create product that I don’t need to promote. I would like to have such market fit that people will search for product by them self.
Starred! Am currently in the process of releasing a new app so this is what I needed today
Subscribed RSS. Very helpful!
loading story #42729705
This is helpful, but shouldn’t be a Show HN, as it is not something that can be tried out. The Guidelines:

> Off topic: blog posts, sign-up pages, newsletters, lists, and other reading material. Those can't be tried out, so can't be Show HNs. Make a regular submission instead.

You omitted a very famous website: starterstory
loading story #42734033
Thanks for this. Really nice resource.
Nice, was looking for something similar.
Thanks, perfect timing
Missing lobste.rs
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