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> If Europe can forget about Germany messing with everyone some 80 years ago,

Europe has not forgotten about that, other than in terms of formal politics.

Hell, England has not even forgotten about the Norman conquest of 1066.

It does help somewhat that Germany has made really serious efforts to repudiate its own behavior, the culture that enabled it, and efforts to revive it. Much harder to say that about the equivalents for US slavery.

> Hell, England has not even forgotten about the Norman conquest of 1066.

I feel that's overstating it a bit. But my mother (English) was definitely brought up in a context that had not forgotten about Napoleon - Napoleon was viewed/presented as comparable to Hitler.

Not really: the descendants of the Norman conquest remain some of the wealthiest landowners in England.


I've seen these claims (in much more detailed form that the Guardian link lays out, even the link it offers to one of its own articles to back up the claim).

I'd really like to see some differentiation between:

  * a disproportionate number of people of Norman descent remain some of the wealthiest landowners in England

  * a disproportion number of the wealthiest landowners in England are of Norman descent
Since these are quite different claims.