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Show HN: Artemis, a Calm Web Reader

loading story #42479501
I have been thinking of creating a similar app; however I wanted to do a "Sunday paper". This look nice and I like the minimalist design, but I would prefer to have solution that I can self-host.
loading story #42473244
This would be interesting as a project using the Miniflux API (https://github.com/miniflux/v2). That way it would already use my existing feeds and I don't have a separate "reading tool".
loading story #42477757
loading story #42478810
I tried to import the OPML file exported by https://wordpress.com/read/subscriptions but it says "Failed to parse OPML."

Edit: just managed to find the support email. I'll send you the OPML file through it~

loading story #42472404
loading story #42472305
I love the idea of a simple, digest-style, mode. Might make some version of this for Instagram. There's nothing so important on Instagram that it can't wait for the next day.
loading story #42472184
Isn't updating once a day a bit too rare for content heavy websites, like HN? I use online RSS reader just to keep up with all updates when I am not online. With updates once a day I'd probably be using desktop RSS reader app.
loading story #42476829
This looks great! Congrats on shipping.

Have you considered open sourcing it? I would rather self-host something like this.

loading story #42473297
loading story #42473299
loading story #42475684
Technical question: how are you dealing with feeds blocked by cloudflare protection or captchas?
loading story #42475896
loading story #42476758
thanks. I pay for miniflux through pikapods that I can now get rid of, thanks to your free and alternative offering.
For reference, and not implying it's better or worse than your work OP, I've pleasantly used Fraidycat (https://fraidyc.at/) in the past. It's a webextension, so completely local, and also incorporates the idea of having a "calmer" experience: no infinite list of links to check, different update rates, ...

I love your philosophy page, OP ! (https://jamesg.blog/2024/11/30/designing-a-calm-web-reader/)

loading story #42472863
loading story #42473119
What's a good place to discover high-quality RSS feeds these days?
loading story #42472217
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loading story #42472367
loading story #42473195
loading story #42474391
loading story #42472302
loading story #42472897
loading story #42472218
loading story #42472474
I think this is a really interesting area. I wrote a command line took for web reading with some similar motivations. In my case, you queue up the articles to read the next day.


loading story #42474474
loading story #42474823
HN hug of death - “Internal Server Error”
loading story #42473122