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Nullboard: Kanban board in a single HTML file

loading story #42479845
This is very cool. BTW, when developing single HTML file apps, instead of localStorage, one can use the HTML as the source of truth, so the user can just save/save-as to persist. I had mentioned my quick and dirty attempt at an image gallery that is a self-contained html file and some really liked the concept, if not the "app" itself: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41877482
loading story #42476577
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This is mine.

FWIW here's a Show HN from 2019 - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20077177

loading story #42467119
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loading story #42464106
This is very neat! I'd be interested to see something like this with a saving mechanism reminiscent of TiddlyWiki [0], which is saved as a portable HTML file. Documents that contain their own editors like this are really neat for offline use and long-term storage.

[0] https://tiddlywiki.com/#SavingMechanism

loading story #42464740
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loading story #42463240
I really think we are as developers underusing setups like this. If you could somehow figure out a simple but effective sync between devices then that would be able to cover many use-cases.

Maybe we just need an sqlite with better support for replicas? Then people have one tiny server with a bunch of sqlite’s to which the apps can sync?

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I love tools like this. I have my own single HTML file project for a HTTP video player along those lines. https://github.com/pseudosavant/player.html

I'll definitely be looking at the source code to see if there are any ideas I want to incorporate into my own single file tools.

loading story #42464517
I love it. I use Trello as my 2nd brain but it means that I can't do anything offline. Where I can see loving this is if I write a little converter so I can take a Trello board JSON export, load it into Nullboard and work on it offline, then a thing that goes back the other way and creates a Trello board from my NBX file.

Maybe if I put the original trello card ID at the bottom of each NBX "note" and then synched any text back as a new comment on that card, and the list ID in the title of each list and adding any notes without a Trello card link as new cards to that list, it would be a pretty automated way to get a bunch of edits back into Trello where I could tidy up with copy/paste.

Rock on!! Forked the repo and have my new local version pinned.

I wish there was some browser solution for apps like this where you could save and share your app state between your own devices, and push/share that state with others, all without any server backend involvement e.g. so you could have a Kanban board shared with others and the state would be stored locally and/or in bring-your-own cloud storage.

There's so many apps like this that could be simple, but for robust state saving involve setting up and maintaining a backend (e.g. with security patches, backups, performance monitoring). There's also the privacy implications on your data being store on someone's server, and the risk of data leaks.

It's like there's a key part of the internet that's missing.

Something like this could be a browser extension? This exists?

`roamingStorage` as a relative to `localStorage` sort of like Windows' "Local App Data" versus "Roaming App Data' would be nice to have in theory.

Of course even if you kept it to the simple KV store interface like `localStorage` you'd need to define sync semantics and conflict resolution mechanics.

Then you'd have to solve all the security concerns of which pages get access to `roamingStorage` and how it determines "same app" and "same user" to avoid rogue apps exfiltrating data from other apps and users.

It would be neat to find an architecture to solve such things and see it added as a web standard.

loading story #42467709
loading story #42464245
I run Planka in an LXC container on Proxmox, but this looks useful (despite being 'beta') for anyone who just wants an absolutely no frills local-first GUI for simple task management.

The README mentions that "Trello wasn't bad", but storing this type of data in the cloud wasn't desirable. Well, Planka is the answer to that.

Neat, very very well done.

One observation: Kanban is all about limiting the work in progress. That’s really its foundation. WIP limit is the main means for controlling and improving overall workflow effectiveness.

I would argue that boards not offering a WIP limit are not really “Kanban” boards, as they defeat the very goal of Kanban.

loading story #42473463
Cool! This could be interesting as the base for a quick kanban board for mid-sized personal projects.

That said: agree with others that sharing state between devices (either yours or others), and being able to collaborate on the same board, is sort of the canonical feature requirement of kanban boards. They can be used for 1-person projects, goal tracking, etc. - I've used e.g. Notion boards in this way - but they gain most of their value from allowing multiple people to share awareness of task status and ownership.

Plus the use of localStorage means I'd eventually blow away my board state by accident - which is kind of a showstopper IMHO; being able to trust your tools is important.

Still: nice to see people experimenting with what you can do just using web basics :)

As of writing this there are 113 previous comments, none of which mention "metrics," "Scrum," or "velocity."

I hope any Scrum Master who comes across this thread takes the absence of those terms as an indicator of the value of those things and all the related feature bloat that bedevils Agile project management tools.

I have this and like it alot. I've used it since a 2020 post on hacker news. It takes some effort, but once you get past the learning curve.

I'm very color oriented, so my forked version does colors to help me organized. (Yes I've sent it in as a pull request).

From the readme:

> Still very much in beta.

The last commit was November 2023.

loading story #42463502
loading story #42463452
Fortuitous - I've been looking for a simple Kanban board this week and all the popular ones are a bit heavy (`plane` uses 8 containers!) or insist on using `mysql`.
loading story #42465066
loading story #42469206
Going to take a look at integrating this later, along with nbagent [1]. I have a 'dark mode' open source project with a few collaborators, many tasks and no good way to currently organise them.

One change I think I'll need to make is prettify the export of .nbx (JSON) so that git diffs perform better. Hopefully nbagent can keep the data synced as the board is updated.

[1] https://github.com/luismedel/nbagent

Thanks a lot for this. I use it everday and it brings me a lot if joy. We need more tools like this one.
Really cool. I love that editing a note doesn't involve pop up modal windows, save buttons, focus selection and all the other crap that things like Notion and Trello end up relying on.

You just edit the text. Perfect.

Thank you for sharing.

I remember working with Html applications (HTA) on Windows back with JScript or VBScript.

I am thinking of tools that would make navigating plain text long files useful such as simple table of contents generation or indexes.

Nice to see, but hope he moves away from LocalStorage, as that is far from ideal. Chrome clears this when cookies are cleared; and many 3rd party tools suggest this as a way to 'optimize' your web experience. Often seen people file an issue for an application I made that used this.
I thought the primary value of Kanban was about collaboration.

What is the purpose of a 1-person kanban?

How do you collaborate with local storage?

loading story #42464663
The classic software dilemma when I see something like this.

It is simple, nice and clean.

I immediatley want things knowing deep down that those things, if delivered, would probably take away the esscence of what's good about it.

Still...i would like alt ways to persist and share ...would be nice to manage 1:1s across multiple teams I run :-p

This is really cool and something I could use and edit. Responsive CSS for mobile and tablet feels needed.
This is very cool!

I can't help but think the missing bit is portability of the data file. I wonder if simply allowing a a binary or even JSON representation to be copy pasted from the browser would work well enough.

I like these tools that are in one local html file. But this seems a bit unsupported. Last commit ist one year old. When you need some more but no jira then kanboard.org is what I can recommend
loading story #42470021
I'm on mobile, I can't figure out how to add a card to a board?
loading story #42463387
loading story #42463428
That's cool - I've been looking for a simple self-hosted kanban. A backend is a requirement for me to use it across devices, though. But, I love the direction.
This doesn’t work on iPhone Safari for dragging things
nice! how do i enter the bulleted items (aka. un-numbered) list items inside each note? is there a numbered/unnumbered list option? can i highlight lines inside a note and make them bulleted?
Good stuff!! JQuery may a bit outdated but very good :)
I love when I find new SFAs (single file app)
Looks nicer than say kanboard, I may give this a shot
Very cool project!
it's not a BSD license if it has a "common clause"

call it whatever you want, but don't ever mention a BSD License if you've modified it.

loading story #42464587
Given you can put scripts and css in an html file, you can produce basically any website/app and offer it as a single file.

Loaded locally and/or via the Web, are there any other file formats that work this way or is .html the only bootstrapping option browsers support?

I think "single HTML file" sets up a certain expectation that a five-thousand-line long HTML file with ~3500 lines of embedded JS doesn't really live up to. I mean, hey, everything can be a single HTML file if you embed the bundle inline in your HTML!

Cool project, though - don't mean to take away anything from it.

loading story #42464173
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I disagree - there is value in single file versus multiple file, even if the LoC are exactly the same.

It’s one reason Mac Apps get bundled as a single “file” from the user perspective. You don’t have to “install”, you just copy one file with everything. It’s a simpler dev experience.

Sure there are tradeoffs, but that’s great! We should accept that tradeoffs mean people can chose what works best for their specific context, rather than “best practices” which are silly.

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