Ask HN: How do I keep up with work?
This is a problem with your manager. He should provide a pre-hook or a PR action that reformat on pushes. Sure, you can't have everyone using a different formatting convention, that would be insane (especially for diffs) but everyone should have his own formatting on his own IDE.
I'm not sure I can help you with your bigger questions, but this part is worth a comment.
When I started programming I measured results by "does it work". The cosmetics of the code, and indeed the UI in general weren't terribly important to me.
I came to understand that being fastidious about the code sent a signal about the quality if the code. I was showing that I cared about the details -and if I cared about those details I cared about the details of the problem I was actually working on.
Likewise, customers only saw my UI. If it was ugly, they assumed the program code was buggy. Clearly that's a false assumption, but it follows that if my UI is sloppy then my code is sloppy.
If you are getting bad feedback in your review, take it to heart and improve that part of your game. It may not be important to you but is important to others (and when you get to do code reviews in the future you'll likely understand why.)
No one is perfect. No one "keeps up" all the time. But mostly your manager wants to see you improving, adding value to the team. Which means playing by the team rules.
Good luck - I hope the situation improves for you.
If three out of four people are "low performers", you're good. They can't fire all three of you.
One guy being too slow incdcates a problem with that guy. Most of the team being "too slow" indicates a problem with management.