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Could someone explain something fundamental to me about the need for double-entry accounting? Why can't your source of truth instead be proper SQL tables following these schemas (using Python tuple/list notation for convenience)?

  transactions: [
    (txID, timestamp, [
      (accountID, delta, otherInfo),
    ], reason),

  accounts: [
    (accountID, routingNumber, accountNumber, ownerID),
Crucially, notice that "accounts" don't track balances here, and so I'm asking: why would I need TWO entries per transaction, and why would I need to do my own tracking of the balance of every account, when I can just keep a single entry per transaction in a proper ACID database and then build any view I need on top (such as running balances) with a battle-tested projection mechanism (like a SQL View) so that I still track a single source of truth?
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