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This is what I see everywhere. Something is a success and then everybody starts using it wrong. Like Elastic search as database, people use it for searching and then start using it as primary database. Mostly pushed by management BTW not always the software engineer.
That does not match my experience. Engineers learn a new tool, that tool is successful in solving a problem. Whether it is recency bias, incorrect pattern matching, or simply laziness, the tool is used again but with reduced success. Repeat that process a few more times (sometimes in different organizations) and now the tool is way outside the domain, ill-fit to the task at hand, and a huge pain.

That often happens with engineers who pushed that tool getting promoted a few times and building their career on said tool, which is where I have seen this being pushed down, but I think it is important that in most cases are still engineers

You'd be surprised how many engineers make these kinda decisions.
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