>I don't get this argument, since Trump has called tens of folks nasty names, called Harris a communist, marxist, etc. and called Democrats the "enemy within". Why is the standard different for Dems?
I dunno how relevant it is to say "Well, Trump gets away with it" because he stayed on message with his name-calling: the economy. Calling someone a communist is just a hyperbolic way of saying that they don't care for the economy.
OTOH, calling half the voting population stupid has nothing to do with the platform the politician is running on.
I mean, as stupid as it sounds, something like "They're coming for yer guns!!!" is still platform-relevant, while "They're threatened by strong women" isn't.
I guess the takeaway is that targeted and on-topic insulting works but random digressions into personal attacks that have no relevance to the platform don't?