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I would have thought the data is self evident, here you go.

Women account for 51.1% population .

There are 25(15D:9R) female senators (25%)

There are 126(92D:34R) congresswomen (29%)

There are 2424 (1583D:815R) female state legislators (32.3%).

In addition to be poorly represented they are mostly democrats with 2-3:1 split from republicans.

It is important to note that ratio grows poorer higher the office , beyond senate it is 45:1 for VPs historically and 46:0 for presidency .

Given the higher life expectancy for women and fact that political office comes late in life they should be if anything more than 50% if gender does not play a significant role.

if not misogyny then it is on you to show why either women are specifically unqualified(!) or unwilling or uninterested in public office and why republican women in office are disproportionately missing in what is already low numbers