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I am not sure that's the case. The main supporter is a guy who produces e-cars with all the interests to sell more of them.

The way I see it, he will continue with the transition whenever it benefits him/the country. Which means some programs might be canceled, especially if they go against such interests.

> The main supporter is a guy who produces e-cars with all the interests to sell more of them.

Sure Elon might have an impact on CO2 emissions in the transport sector but I don't see him moving things that don't directly benefit him, say, electricity/heat production or agriculture.

Tesla literally has a massive (electrical) energy storage business alongside solar. There are huge battery installations that are helping regions like Hawaii and Australia pivot to renewables.
Transport is the 2nd sector in terms of CO2 emissions. If we solve that alone, I am happy.
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An e-car is still a car and a more environmentally friendly public transport or bicycle.
He’s also the rocket guy with private jets.
Musk does seem to have gone bonkers in the last two years or so, but I agree. I suspect he might end up being a surprisingly moderating, rational influence on Trump. He might have (at least publicly) aligned himself with conspiracy theorists, outrage merchants and general grifters for now, but I think at heart he's still pro-science.
You know you're in trouble when Musk of all people is considered a moderating influence compared to your president.

I'm not convinced Musk cares all that much about the environment anymore, if he ever truly did. EVs were a bet that car buyers (and governments) would care about the environment.

Musk just wants to go to Mars and leave Earth behind.

True. The world is certainly in trouble. I’m just saying it might not be as bad as it immediately looks.
I guess he is pro science indeed. And opportunistic too. He might also morally align with Trump more than with Dems, who knows. These elections were just an unfortunately ridiculous show.
Why wouldn't we take his public rhetoric and actions at face value? Why is this possibly a good idea to simply say 'well in his heart he trusts science' when he is demonstrating the contrary?

I don't want to live in fantasy land here. Based on observable actions, Musk isn't brining any positive force to the table

Isn’t that obvious? He knew he could only get to the position he’s now in (or at least have the best chance of doing so) if he joined in with the MAGA brigade.

He clearly does align with the movement in some ways, but he also is responsible for SpaceX, for example. Don’t you think that marks him out as being a bit different from the others?

Also, there are observable actions. If you listen to some of the podcasts he’s been on recently (as painful as they can be) you’ll hear him very flatly rejecting suggestions of quackery and ‘vaccine scepticism’. He’s so obviously not stupid, even if he’s degenerated somewhat, as many of us have, by constant exposure to poisonous social media.

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What makes people think Trump is going to run the show? I have a feeling he's going to be the rubber stamp while Vance, Thiel and Musk and gang will run the show behind the scenes.