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I don't understand everything you're saying, probably because I am not involved in day to day US political discussion, but a few of your points seem wildly exaggerated or misunderstood.

No one is forcing anyone to turn any sons into daughters, are they? What you're really saying is that you don't want anyone to be allowed to change their gender. That's a quite prohibitive stance for a country that puts so much emphasis on freedom.

What's this "male perverts sharing locker room" stuff about? Who's campaigning for letting random adults into kids locker rooms?

Who's being forced to take an injection?

In California for instance if the child wants to transition then you must let it. If you attempt to stop it or guide them out of the decision in any way you’re at risk of having your child taken from you. That’s the force being used, do what we say or we’ll take your child.
loading story #42062398
They are talking idpol in general.
Exactly. The race rhetoric is the most important point.
They are not. Strive to understand while not vilifying their position. Your inability to do so is why you may be confused by half the country
loading story #42060624
The Democrats just lost an election because they tried to dismiss poorly-articulated-but-legitimate concerns as trolling/ists/phobes. Could be a teachable moment, if they are willing to learn.