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Language is the tool we use to codify a heuristic understanding of reality. The world we interact with daily is not the physical one, but an ideological one constructed out of human ideas from human minds. This is the world we live in and the air we breath is made of our ideas about oxygenation and partly of our concept of being alive.

It's not that these "human tools" for understanding "reality" are superfluous, it's just that they ar second-order concepts. Spatial understandings, social cues, math, etc. Those are all constructs built WITHIN our primary linguistic ideological framing of reality.

To put this in coding terms, why would an LLM use rails to make a project when it could just as quickly produce a project writing directly to the socket.

To us these are totally different tasks and would actually require totally different kinds of programmers but when one language is another language is everything, the inventions we made to expand the human brain's ability to delve into linguistic reality are no use.

I can suggest one reason why LLM might prefer writing in higher level language like Ruby vs assembly. The reason is the same as why physicists and mathematicians like to work with complex numbers using "i" instead of explicit calculation over 4 real numbers. Using "i" allows us to abstract out and forget the trivial details. "i" allows us to compress ideas better. Compression allows for better prediction.
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