AFAIK, there's fewer cheaters on PlayStation current-gen than on PC, and I don't have to worry about anti-cheat kludges corrupting my "rig".
Then again, we all trust our "smart" devices even if we really don't.
I suppose a separate network would be the safe option (if you trust your router).
That said, have there been rotten meat attacks using "temporarily above temperature" fridges?
Are vegans just applying a defensive strategy against those?
When I grew up, I had one PC to do everything: Homework, gaming, learning to program, storing the single copy of treasured family photos, gaining painful experience in why to make backups before modifying the MBR to dual-boot Linux...
Especially with iPads and Chromebooks becoming more prevalent in an education context, a "gaming PC" might well be the only computer that gives the user full control over it that many children have access to these days.