LLMs are great at translating already-rigorously-thought-out pseudocode requirements, into a specific (non-esoteric) programming language, with calls to (popular) libraries/APIs of that language. They might make little mistakes — but so can human developers. If you're good at catching little mistakes, then this can still be faster!
For a concrete example of what I mean:
I hardly ever code in JavaScript; I'm mostly a backend developer. But sometimes I want to quickly fix a problem with our frontend that's preventing end-to-end testing; or I want to add a proof-of-concept frontend half to a new backend feature, to demonstrate to the frontend devs by example the way the frontend should be using the new API endpoint.
Now, I can sit down with a JS syntax + browser-DOM API cheat-sheet, and probably, eventually write correct code that doesn't accidentally e.g. incorrectly reject reject zero or empty strings because they're "false-y", or incorrectly interpolate the literal string "null" into a template string, or incorrectly try to call Element.setAttribute with a boolean true instead of an empty string (or any of JS's other thousand warts.) And I can do that because I have written some JS, and have been bitten by those things, just enough times now to recognize those JS code smells when I see them when reviewing code.
But just because I can recognize bad JS code, doesn't mean that I can instantly conjure to mind whole blocks of JS code that do everything right and avoid all those pitfalls. I know "the right way" exists, and I've probably even used it before, and I would know it if I saw it... but it's not "on the tip of my tongue" like it would be for languages I'm more familiar with. I'd probably need to look it up, or check-and-test in a REPL, or look at some other code in the codebase to verify how it's done.
With an LLM, though, I can just tell it the pseudocode (or equivalent code in a language I know better), get an initial attempt at the JS version of it out, immediately see whether it passes the "sniff test"; and if it doesn't, iterate just by pointing out my concerns in plain English — which will either result in code updated to solve the problem, or an explanation of why my concern isn't relevant. (Which, in the latter case, is a learning opportunity — but one to follow up in non-LLM sources.)
The product of this iteration process is basically the same JS code I would have written myself — the same code I wanted to write myself, but didn't remember exactly "how it went." But I didn't have to spend any time dredging my memory for "how it went." The LLM handled that part.
I would liken this to the difference between asking someone who knows anatomy but only ever does sculpture, to draw (rather than sculpt) someone's face; vs sitting the sculptor in front of a professional illustrator (who also knows anatomy), and having the sculptor describe the person's face to the illustrator in anatomical terms, with the sketch being iteratively improved through conversation and observation. The illustrator won't perfectly understand the requirements of the sculptor immediately — but the illustrator is still a lot more fluent in the medium than the sculptor is; and both parties have all the required knowledge of the domain (anatomy) to communicate efficiently about the sculptor's vision. So it still goes faster!