It's not about prevention, but detection.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make but in this context there is no difference. If you know someone is cheating, you prevent further cheating by banning them.
Now I'll ask: how do you detect someone wall hacking automatically? No human review and no false flags. Go!
> If you know someone is cheating, you prevent further cheating by banning them.
If you think it's statistically likely that someone might be cheating, but you're not sure, you can matchmake them with other people who might be cheating.
That seems flawed as you would punish people who are playing well. Statistics are great, but you'd inevitably match legitimate players with misfits, ruining their experience.
A prevention model would be like the xbox where technical measures are used to prevent user code. A detection model is server side and detects anomalies for bans.
> how do you detect someone wall hacking automatically?
You don't tell the client the location of anything they can't see.
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