i would be may more impressed if LLMs could do code compression. more code == more things that can break, and when llms can generate boatloads of it with a click you can imagine what might happen
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Exactly this. Code is a liability, if you can do the same thing with less code you're often better off.
Not if it’s already stable and has been running for years. Legacy doesn’t necessarily mean “need replacement because of technical debt”. I’ve seen lots of people want to replace code that has been running basically bug free for years because “there are better coding styles and practices now”
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meh - the LLM code I'm seeing isn't particularly more verbose. And as others have said, if you want tighter code, just add that to the prompt.
fun story: today I had an LLM write me a non-trivial perl one-liner. It tried to be verbose but I insisted and it gave me one tight line.